Green Pastures Forever

Help Keep it Green 

Not trying to get too controversial about the climate, but I came across something unique the other day.The Ando Money App. It's a small personal effort for a much bigger change.

Green Pastures Forever
Climate change does appear to be an ever rising conversation today. 

The weather is a very difficult phenomenon to understand but there are many scientific reports these days showing how human impact is effecting the climate. To that end, there are actions that we can do to help moderate our impact on climate change.

I must admit that I am a little worried about agriculture and our horse friend's future. The part about climate change that scares me the most is that if we wait until our environment is at a crisis level. That will be too late. It will be decades or longer before changes made to correct the damage will make an affect. 

That's why I'm sharing with you information about Ando. 

This is a mobile banking app that has all the functionality for banking on the go, but it's more than that... The founders of this app are very forward thinking and taking action to help the fight against climate change. They have dedicated 100% of their customers money to be invested in "green" industry. Thus setting a new standard of conscious and poised to make a big change in the banking world

I encourage you to checkout the Ando App here. They have a very generous promotional offer going on right now where you will receive $10 instantly with your download. 

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